
Did You Consider These Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

The most common early pregnancy sign that hints that a woman is pregnant is the missed period. At that time, many early pregnancy symptoms may begin to occur, and confirm what is already known because of the body's own response to the many changes taking place. You may think that missing your period is your first indication that you are pregnant, but some of these early pregnancy symptoms may appear long before missing your period. Until these early pregnancy symptoms become strong enough, many women don't notice them as being related to pregnancy. If you did notice them, that might be the best time to take a pregnancy test. But by the time a woman hits the sixth or seventh week of pregnancy however, these early pregnancy signs might be difficult to ignore.

Yuck. Even the thought of that food makes me want to throw up.

Although women expect common early pregnancy symptoms like food aversions or cravings, most do not expect these symptoms to occur so early in their pregnancy. When you look at charts of pregnancy symptoms week by week, these symptoms often show up much later in the term. However, challenges with different types of food can begin very early in the first trimester and will sometimes continue on throughout the pregnancy. What you may not expect is that your cravings or aversion could change later on in your pregnancy.

Rising hormone levels, primarily HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), are the cause of many early pregnancy symptoms. The fluctuations in hormones can sensitize the nose to a variety of odors, and the odors are often the cause of the food aversion. One important thing to do when you have any of these early pregnancy symptoms is to be sure that you take your prenatal vitamin, so you are sure to get the nutrients you need. Just take them with food, so you don't make your nausea even worse. Then try to cater to your aversions and cravings as much as possible while sticking to a healthy diet as much as possible.

My aching back?

Most women won't think about back problems as early pregnancy symptoms; after all, that extra weight hasn't started packing it on just yet! Many books that talk about pregnancy symptoms week by week will also list low back pain in the later months of pregnancy as the growing baby begins to put a strain on the mother's body. However, many women do experience low back pain as one of the early pregnancy symptoms as well. Once again, you can blame hormones for this discomfort as they prepare your joints and ligaments for the delivery of your baby at the end of your term.

There are a lot of changes occurring in the first few months, which can cause many early pregnancy symptoms. Many symptoms, like an abdominal cramp in early pregnancy, morning sickness and fatigue, are well known and expected. Early pregnancy symptoms like food aversions and low back pain often occur so early in pregnancy that many women are surprised that they are having them. If you are ever concerned about any of the early pregnancy symptoms you experience, talk to your doctor.

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